Friday, September 24, 2010

Two Months

Love Peace Rock and Roll
Ellie is two months old today! She is getting more and more personality every day. She is such a happy girl and loves hanging out with her daddy! She is starting to interact with us and will talk back when we coo and talk to her.
She is amazing and we love seeing her grow!
Here is a video of Ellie chatting... don't miss the surprise ending!


Shelly and Ron Huber said...

How adorable! Loved the video!!! :)

Ashley (Belnap) Whiting said...

That outfit and bow is SO cute Corissa! Are you making those or are you buying them? And where is that outfit from? So adorable!

Anonymous said...

So sorry I haven't checked out your blog in a very long time...well it seems to be a long time. I love my newest grand baby Ellie, soo cute! Thank you for sharing..oh, by the gotz to post some pics with Gramma Lori in on it! xxooo