We made the 14 hour drive to Utah to spend Thanksgiving with Spencer's family. Ellie was terrific on the drive up and back, only crying a couple times! She was very entertaining in the car; we love listening to her chatter.
We stayed with Spencer's cousin and her husband who are expecting their first baby in May 2011. They liked having a glimpse of what life with a baby will be like.
We also spent time playing games, visiting Spencer's aunt Maxine (who was hilarious), going to see the new Harry Potter movie (Ellie's second movie) and enjoying the beautiful winter weather and snow.
Stats: weight 13 lbs 14.5 ounces (50-75%)
length 25 3/4 inches (95%)
head 16 1/2 (75%)
She's rolling over all the time from back to belly and even rolled over 3 times in a row (back-belly-back) showing off for her Grandma and Grandpa Smith. She loves to talk and is learning new pitches every day. She's still a fantastic sleeper and is loved by all her family.
I was so proud of our little girl. She didn't complain about being out in the cold once!
"Ellie your smile is brighter than any Christmas Tree"
We agree and we love the cute shirt too - thanks Trina!
Spencer, Ellie, Corissa, Martha, Graig, Tyler, Casey, Taigan, Jacob, and Hilary Smith
Ellie does look like a Smith but she looks like her mama when she smiles!
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